Sunday, September 12, 2010

Homemade Non-Toxic Cleaning Alternatives

My stock of white distilled vinegar is running out, so the hubby and I drove to Clark yesterday to replenish it.  White distilled vinegar is one of the major ingredients in my homemade cleaning agents.  I go through all the trouble because I'm scared the commercially available ones are too toxic for my kids.  Let me share with you some tried and tested recipes which I have been using in the past three years. These are from the book Clean House, Clean Planet by Karen Logan, which I absolutely love.

Here are the basic ingredients and where to get them:

1)  White distilled vinegar.  I use Four Monks or Bakers & Chefs, which I get from Puregold Duty Free in Clark. I think these are also available at Rustan's Supermarket, but it's more expensive there.

2)  Baking soda.  I use Arm & Hammer, available at most supermarkets.

3)  Essential oils.  I buy these from The Citromint Co., a kiosk near True Value at Shangri-La Mall.    

I also bought Tea Tree oil at a very reasonable price of P100 from the Giga kiosk in Robinson's Galleria just last week.  I have yet to try it though.  

Can I mention Giga's foot scrubs are great?  But I'll talk about them another time.

4)  Liquid soap.  I use Dr. Bronner's Castille Soap, available at Healthy Options.

5) Dishwashing soap.  I use Ivory, available at most supermarkets. 

6)  Borax.  Available at True Value Rockwell. 

7)  Spray bottles.  Available at supermarkets.

Ready?  Here's how to make the alternative cleaners:

Fabric softeners.  Just add 30 to 50 drops of the essential oil of your choice to one gallon of white distilled vinegar.  Personally I like peppermint.  Add a cup to the last rinse when you do your laundry.  Always shake before using.

Did you know that fabric softeners are the most toxic products around?  And so are commercial detergents, bleaches and stain removers, all of which contain chemicals that could cause cancer and brain damage.  The alternative mentioned above is actually cheaper, and very safe for sensitive skin.

Disinfectants.  Combine the following ingredients in a sturdy spray bottle: 16oz. purified water, 3 tablespoons liquid soap (I use Dr. Bronner's peppermint or lavender castille soap) and 30 drops or more of tea tree oil for that natural antiseptic power.  Shake to mix.  I use this on newly-bought groceries, specially on my kids' diaper packs, milk cans and snacks.  I also use this to clean my kids' toys, shelves, doorknobs, countertops, car interiors or just about anything that needs disinfecting.

All-Purpose Cleaners.  In a 16-oz. spray bottle, combine 2 tbsp vinegar with 1 tsp borax, then fill the bottle with very hot purified water.  Shake until the borax is dissolved.  Add 1/4 cup of liquid soap or 1/8 cup of liquid detergent and 10 to 15 drops of essential oil of your choice (I use peppermint or lavender).  I use this on kitchen counters and bathroom tiles.  Spray and wipe dry. 

These cleaning alternatives are actually cheaper in the long run, so you make your homes safer and you save money doing it.

Let's go green.

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